Thursday, September 25, 2008

Berry Good Smoothie

Tired of the same ol' cereal bars for the kids and a "delicious slimfast shake for breakfast" for mom, I decided to try something different. This morning I made a smoothie with frozen berries and bananas and yogurt. Has to be healthy, right? It was very good, and a nice change of pace for us. Two of the kids ate/drank theirs. One didn't like all the seeds, and the pre-teen didn't make it to the table for breakfast, so busy primping was she. AFG loved it and can't wait to try this recipe out on the Artist. Here's what I did:

Berry Good Smoothie
1 medium banana that I had cut into several 1/2 inch slices and frozen, pieces separated, in a ziploc the night before.
2 cups plain fat-free yogurt
2 cups frozen strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, and red raspberries. (These all came in a frozen sack labeled "Berry Medley")
2 T Honey

Throw it all in the blender and blend til smooth. My hand-me-down blender is apparently not meant for smoothies so I had to stir it around a few times to get the icy fruit at the top to go to the bottom. True confessions: I added a little, teeny, tiny bit of powdered sugar. Like 1 T. Okay, maybe 2. I was scared it wouldn't be sweet enough. But I will leave that out next time. Promise.

This was my first time to make a smoothie. It feels like I've just joined the smoothie club, and I understand now why it has so many members.


Charlie Mac said...

I used to buy large bags of older bananas after they were marked down for fast sale. Peel and freeze them whole. Place one in a blender with a cup of frozen strawberries, about
1 1/2 to 2 cups (guesstimate) 1% milk and 1/4 cup oat bran. No sugar and no honey all tho honey sounds good. The strawberries and just over ripe bananas make it pretty sweet. I thought it was very much like a strawberry shake and I got my fiber, fruit and calcium. It lasted me pretty well until lunch time.
Mac McFatter

Alpaca Farmgirl said...

Hi Mac,
I have 4 older bananas sitting on the counter. I will freeze them and try your recipe. Thanks for the tips!