Pictured at right is the Artist with his D-Day monument, "Operation Neptune". That's him, in France! He is there to install this monument on Utah Beach at Normandy. The work commemorates the U.S. Navy's role in the D-Day invasion. The Navy was the only branch of the service that did not have a monument at Normandy, until now. This is a really big bronze, as you can see. The Artist has been worried about it getting there in one piece. It was cast in Colorado, and was a foot too large to fit in an airplane. After the long trip across the pond, it has finally found its home, atop a German bunker. For more information about the monument visit the Utah Beach Museum. They have a fabulous website! You can see more about the Artist on his website.
To celebrate this HUGE feat, which has involved several years of loving support from the Artist's darling family, I am doing a giveaway! Don't you just love croissants? Alpaca Farmgirl is giving away fifteen chocolate croissants from William Sonoma. These are the BEST! We always have them for breakfast on Christmas and Valentine's mornings.
To participate in the giveaway, just answer one of the following questions in the comments section: Do you know anyone who was at the D-Day Invasion? Please tell us your D-Day stories! What is your favorite thing about France? I will leave the contest open until September 30. The winner will be chosen at random and prize will ship directly from William Sonoma.
Footnote: Thanks to the alpacas for supporting us while we got to this point!
HI Katy,
I just love your blog and read it every chance I get. I especially liked the swim fin pumps! :) I have never had a chocolate Croissant so I am hoping to be one of the lucky winners!
I am not an expert on France or French culture but the one thing I like about France is French red wines. I have only had a few of them, but to me they have all been better that similar priced domestic red wines. If you like reds and haven't tried one go to your favorite wine store and ask for their suggestions. YUMMY!!
Ed B.
Sable & Princess' "Dad"
D-Day memories.
Oh can I reach so far back in my memories? I was 9 1/2 years old. I remember that one of my school mates had a brother who was fighting Germans in Europe. Their names are gone from my memory. I do not know for sure he was involved in D-Day. I remember that he received a medal for charging a German machine gun "nest" armed with a .45 pistol and killing all the Germans.
I remember the stories of Audie Murphy and the "Willie and Joe Upfront" cartoons and of course the newsreels at the Saturday afternoon movies. (15 cents for a movie, popcorn and a coke.)
My favorite memory of France is one wise thing Gen. Charles Degaulle said. "You will regret it if you get involved in Viet Nam"
Mac McFatter
Thanks Ed and Mac for your comments! Ed, I love French wine too. Mac, thanks for sharing your memories on DDay, and what a smart guy that Charles Degaulle was!
Ed and Mac are both winners! Send me the address where to ship your croissants. Congratulations! AFG
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