As an alpaca breeder you will need business cards that have your contact information, a tagline, and a picture of an alpaca. Remember that many people have never seen an alpaca and don't know what it is. A picture of one goes a long way in explanation with regards to your business. The vast majority of people will think they are cute (or funny looking) and this will peak their interest.
Your tagline should refect what sets you apart from others. Try to limit it to 7-8 words. Some great taglines are shorter. If it feels like too much of a mouthful, try to shorten it. If your market is mostly alpaca breeders, your tagline could talk about your herd specifically. Some examples of good taglines currently used by breeders are: "The Next Generation of Elite Alpacas", and "Leading the Way in Black and Grey". If you plan to market to mostly new breeders your tagline could focus more on the lifestyle. Examples include: "Living the dream..." and "Where Magic Happens". Our farm's tagline, "Fleecy Beaux and Belles for Your Portfolio" is appreciated by many alpaca breeders, but people who don't know about alpacas are confused by it. Many people who see it think I'm a photographer. Back to the drawing board for me!?
People get handed lots of business cards. They ditch most of them. Make yours special so that it stands apart from the rest. Consider having it printed on specialty paper. Using a different size card or a fold-over is another possibility to help make your card memorable. If possible, use both sides of the card, information on one side and a picture of an alpaca on back.
Now that you have your cards, hand them out! This may not come naturally to you, but all the best salesmen/women in the world are pros at handing out business cards. Always keep some in your wallet, purse, luggage. I keep a fleece sample in my car. This way when people ask me about the sign on my car, I can let them feel alpaca fleece as I tell them about these wonderful creatures. Then I leave them with a business card and ask them to visit my website. Give cards to people who sit next to you on business trips. Give them to your dentist, your child's teachers, the man who comes to repair your refrigerator, everyone you meet! Spread the word. I once sold several alpacas to a couple after their daughter had gotten my card when she gave me a pedicure. Good thing I gave her my card.
If you sell things on E-Bay, enclose your card when you mail your items. Enclose business cards when you pay bills. You never know when the person who processes those bills needs some alpacas or knows someone who does! Have your local feed store or veterinarian display some of your cards. Usually you will have to provide the card holder, but they are often happy to let you promote your farm. When you have a prospect who decides not to purchase alpacas, give them two business cards. Ask them to please give those cards to two people they know who might be interested in alpacas. Spread the word, people!
I challenge you to give out 2 business cards today. Leave me comments on how you gave them out, who you gave them to, etc. If you don't already have your business cards, tell 2 people about alpacas (or your chosen business if it's not alpacas.)
Secrets that Sell Alpacas Tip #3: Get Your Business Card OUT there. It doesn't do you much good in your wallet.
Read Secrets that Sell Alpacas #2: Have an Internet Presence
Read Secrets that Sell Alpacas #1: Participate in the Farm & Ranch Guide
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