Thursday, October 23, 2008

Weekly Web Finds

Here are some interesting things I've found on the web this week:

  • This family is living off the grid. They're moving to a farm with no electricity, no TV (I would die!), etc. All I can say is "WOW!"
  • I think this is my favorite. Check out this post from Rooster Hill Farm on the AI Guy. This is about the guy who goes around artificially inseminating cows. You HAVE to see his car! One day there will be an AI guy for alpacas, but maybe not in my lifetime.
  • American Farmland Trust: Saving the Land that Sustains Us. Website for your activist side.
Two social networking sites:


Jeff Caldwell said...

Hi, Katy! Thanks for the plug on your blog here for our Farmers for the Future social network! Great to have such an active member like yourself!

Also found you on Twitter, to which I've found myself hopelessly addicted these days!

Hey, great chatting with you earlier today via our network. Stay in touch!

Jeff Caldwell
Agriculture Online Multimedia Editor

Alpaca Farmgirl said...

Hi Jeff,
It's nice chatting with you too. And I have the same problem with Twitter. My Tivo is jealous.
See ya in tweetville.