My friend, Maxine, who is an extraorinary knitter, is knitting this precious potato chip scarf with the alpaca yarn she bought from
Stephanie at our Open House last weekend. Isn't it cute? Maxine says it is super easy. She even started one and brought it by for my eleven-year-old to work on. How sweet is that? We are so blessed! Thanks Maxine for being so incredibly talented and thoughtful! Maxine and I just started working on a secret project that will incorporate our alpaca yarn, humor, whimsy, and alpacas into a an adorable product everyone will want to take home with them. They should be ready in time for our Holiday Open House.
Very interesting. When is the Holiday Open House?
Hmm. Will have to see. Definitely after Thanksgiving and not on the weekend of the alpaca show in December. Let me get back to you! Also, when I set the date it will go onto the upcoming events page at www.fairhopealpacas.com
Too exhausted from last weekend STILL to be sure about anything! (Oh, except that we will also have alpaca teddy bears at the Holiday Open House)
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